The main goal of Happy Kitten is to expand the pleasure available to everyone. A big part of that is done with education and we strive to offer various classes to everyone and curate the best educational programs available.
Our army of sex educators includes sexsperts we believe have the same goal as we do, expand the pleasure consciousnesses.
Our classes cover all the topics and we offer classes every week in New Orleans. Our retreats are twice a year with a deep dive into specific topics. Twice a year we travel to an exotic location (because sometimes New Orleans inst exotic enough) where we explore new pleasures and discover feasts for the mind, eyes and mouth.

Our parties are all inclusive and welcoming to everyone. We produce large, medium and small parties. Pool parties and house parties. BBQ parties and snack parties. We love to entertain and let others experience what we dive into on regular basis. Fun isn’t just for the select few, its for everyone.

We are planning sexy travel adventures for small groups to places like Guatemala, Mexico, Thailand and Hawaii. The trips are invite only to select members of Happy Kitten
We’d love to work with you.